Thursday, October 15, 2009

Earthcubes intact!

I took off11 flasks yesterday around 11 and it has been raining since 3 pm. I had heard that it would rain on thursday and friday, and I wasnt sure how it would affect the cubes whether in the flasks or already out. I went down to check on them today, and they seem to be fine. Some of the corners crumbled when I took off the molds, but most of them are square. These details make each cube unique! They don't seem to be affected by the rain- and most are covered by large trees. I will post pictures later.


Unknown said...

Keep me posted! Looks really neat so far. 4 tons of dirt! Whaaat. Can't wait to actually see them when you de-box them.

Greg said...

how really orange is it, really?